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Literary Journal

An orange lamp dangles in front of bright yellow and red intersecting walls.
  GEOMETRY by Will Hampton

I would like to acknowledge the steadfast support for WALL Literary Journal that comes from campus administrators, faculty, staff, and members of the community. Special thanks goes to Christina Hinkle, Dean, and Jessica Kaven, Assistant Dean, of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Dr. Kevin O’Connor, Dean Emeritus of the Liberal Arts Division; Dr. Elliot Stern, president of Saddleback College; Tram Vo-Kumamoto, Vice President of Instruction; South Orange County Community College District Chancellor Julianna M. Barnes and the district’s Board of Trustees: Timothy Jemal, Terri Rydell, Carolyn Inmon, Ryan Dack, Barbara J. Jay, Marcia Milchiker, T.J. Prendergast III, and Katelyn Hidde. 


Stalwart supporters include professors Jack Beckham, Suki Fisher, Catherine Hayter, Jennifer Hedgecock, Bridget Hoida, Brett Myhren, Shellie Ochi, Bill Stevenson, and Ray Zimmerman of the English Department; Khaver Akhter, Yvonne Belardes, Angel Granados, and Karen Yang of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Professors Karen Taylor and Louis Bispo of the Graphic Design Department; Dr. Scott Farthing, Dean of the School of Arts, Media, Performance & Design; Professors Barbara Holmes of the Art Department and Ariel Alexander of the Music Department; Theatre Arts Professor Bill McGuire; Deidre Cavazzi, Chair of the Honors Program; and media production specialist Matt Brodet; Professor Ryan Even of the Photography Department; Professor Timothy Posada, chair of the Journalism and New Media Department, Maryanne Shults, and Ali Dorri. Special thanks also goes to Chris Hargraves, Jacqueline Zimbalist, and Rachael Roberts of the Student Development Office.


Assisting in the development of this website were Matthew Durham, editor-in-chief of WALL 2015; Meishel DeSouto, graphic designer of WALL 2015; Karyn Renee Bailey, editor-in-chief of WALL 2016; and Leanne Black, graphic designer and art editor of WALL 2016; Matt Brodet, media production specialist; Ana Maria Cobos of the Library Services Department; Valerie Senior and Vivian Nguyen of the Faculty Center; English professors Suki Fisher, Brett Myhren, and Bridget Hoida; Photography Department Chair Ryan Even; Journalism Department Chair Timothy Posada; Graphic Design Department Chair Chris Claflin; graphic designer Kristen Bush; and Archie Bagnall, president of the Orange County chapter of the American Institute of Graphic Arts.


Gina Victoria Shaffer

Professor of English, Saddleback College

Faculty Advisor, WALL Literary Journal



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